Warranty Terms
Established in 1968, ARK has built a legacy of excellence in Bath Fittings. With an unwavering focus on quality & service, ARK offers a 7 Years Warranty reflecting its commitment to customer satisfaction & product reliability.
Category A: Faucets
Before Installation (Cleaning of plumbing pipes):
1. Prior to installation of sanitary fittings, it is imperative that the plumbing pipes be cleared out of construction material that might be clogged in them. To enable this one can allow the water to openly flow, by opening the gate valve near the Storage tanks for a short period. This process should be carried out two to three times so that all foreign material inside the pipes gets cleared out. Once the pipes gets cleared one can go in for installation of fittings.
2. One should also ensure that the outlet of the storage tank is at least 2" above the bottom level, so that any sediments if mixed in the water supply, settle down at the bottom of the storage tank and do not carry on through the plumbing pipes with the water flow.
3. Plumbers should not use more than 8-10kgf to tighten bib shanks, angle shanks and wall mixer legs to the plumbing pipes. Though the faucet body is metallic, one cannot expect the body to bear any amount of force.
4. Installation diagrams/leaflets are given with complex fittings to make it relatively easy for the plumber to install the faucets; the plumber should refer to these diagrams before going in for such installations.
Spindle Assemblies:
5. The spindles experience the most wear and tear as some part of a spindle assembly is always in contact with water which contains salts, especially hard water. Removal of the salt deposits through thorough washing and preferably by applying good quality silicon grease can sustain the spindles for longer periods of time.
6. It might be a good idea to install a filter near the tank outlet to prevent coarse/rough deposits present in water to find their way to the spindle assembly.
Warranty on Spindle assemblies is limited due to vanying water conditions more frequent usage as in Commercial establishments and hard water conditions in coastal & sandy area might deteriorate the spindle. Use of bore water also leads to faster deterioration.
Aerator/Foam Flow:
7. Nowadays most sanitary fittings use Foam Flow aerators or jallis. These aerators have a dual purpose; not only do they save water, typically up to 50%, but also make the flow soft. The problem these aerators generally face is the presence of impurities in the water. These impurities cannot pass through the mesh area of the aerator and over a period of time, they can choke off the water supply. Most ARK faucets provide a cut in the Pearl-mix outer or the mouth of the faucets to enable easy opening of the mouth and the aerator. A knife or a flat object can be used for opening the Pearl Mix outer. The aerator once taken out can be easily cleaned with the help of free flowing water and a brush. Ark also offers a variety of Aerators like pressure compensahing ones that help customer save water especidlly in the Washbasin & Kitchen Sink area. Aerators have limited warranty because of varying with conditions frequent choking is likely to occure of boxing water is used or hard water is in Supply.
8. ARK faucets are plated using a Nickel base over polished brass and then a Chrome layer over the Nickel base. Chrome is a very hard metal and has both decorative as well as protective value. Generally a thin layer of Chrome (0.3µ) over a 10µ layer of Nickel is enough to keep the faucet shining over its lifetime By cleaning the faucet once in 10-15 days, using ARK Cleaning Solution/ a dry clean cloth, to remove the salt deposits from is all what is needed to make the fitting finish last for very many years. Faucets that are not cleaned for year will have the lustre drilled due to actions of salts of water’s warranty will be devoid in such case.
9. One should never use chemicals like toilet cleaners, detergents, acids or any other washing or cleaning powder on the tap, The chemicals if used will eat away the plating layer permanently damaging the protective finish. Warranty of Plating will be revidered devold in such cases.
10. One should also avoid contact of sharp objects on the surface of the tap, especially if one has bought a colour finished tap. The chemical (adhesive) bonding between the colour pigment and the brass surface is typically not as strong as the electrical bonding between Chrome/Nickel and the brass surface. Warranty will be devold in Coloured fittings in such cases.
11. CP fittings should always be installed when all masonry and paint/ polish job is over in the bath/ kitchen / wash area. If the installation has been done prior to the painting jobs, it should be suitably covered to prevent damage to surface and finish.
12. Ark Bath accessories are made of Brass sheets and pipes. Unlike sanitary faucets, the accessories are not much exposed to water. However since they are usually fitted in areas, where there is a rich content of moisture in the air, as well as frequent splashing of water droplets, they do need to be cleaned regularly with ARK Cleaning solution/ a dry clean cloth to maintain the lustre/ polish of the CP Finish. Warranty Plating will be limited due to varying water conditions Warranty on coloured fittings similarly limited.
Category B: Drizzle Collection - Showers & Health Faucet Guns
13. Showers have small apertures which enable water deliverance in sprinkle/ spray form. Sometimes due to the, presence of salt deposits in the water these small apertures can get clogged, especially if the device has not been in use for a period of time. If the showers have rubberized apertures then the cleaning is very easy and can be done by just rubbing the apertures with our fingers for a few minutes while the shower is left on. Slowly all clogged impurities shall get washed away through the combined effect of the force of the flow and the pressure of our fingers. In case of normal aperture showers, one can dismantle the shower by opening the thread and can scrub off the deposits from the 'jalli' of the shower by using a brush. The cleaned jalli of the shower can be assembled back and the shower will then function like new. Similar maintenance, works for Hand showers and body jets.
14. Health Faucet showers are a little more delicate than ordinary hand or Overhead showers. Their lever mechanism is a little fragile as it is not always metallic &mostly made of plastic and rubber parts. Hence it is essential that the health faucets be not exposed to pressures higher than 1.5-2 bars (kg), otherwise over a period of time, there might be leakages or break downs. In case of higher pressures, pressure reducing washer as well as pressure Limiters (or a safety stop valve to restrict the water flow) are recommended.
15. Flexible Pipes are made of rubber hoses over which metal coils are wrapped with brass nozzles at ends. It is important that during use the coils are not twisted else these coils can come off. It is also important that the pressure to which the flexible pipes are exposed should be kept below 1.5 to 2 bars (kg). A greater pressure can lead to bursting of these pipes as they are not of metal. In case pressure in the plumbing pipes is higher, one should use Pressure reducing washers and pressure Limiters to decrease the dynamic pressure to which these pipes are exposed (or a gate valve to restrict the flow).
Warranty on plastic jellis & flexible pipes is limited customer hand to be careful to avoid entangling of coila in flexible pipes & if damaged this will be devoied of warranty.
Category C: Cloaca Maxima - Flushing Solutions
16. Push Cocks should not be exposed to pressures greater than 1.5bar. These devices are meant to function only in one storey houses or at public conveniences where there is no pressure boosting. If pressure is boosted beyond 1.0 to 1.5 bars (kg), the operation of the push cock button becomes hard. In case of higher pressures, pressure reducing valves to restrict the water flow is recommended.
17. Flush Cocks should not be exposed to pressures greater than 1.5 bars. These devices are meant to function only in one storey houses or at public conveniences where there is no pressure boosting. If pressure is boosted beyond 2.0 bars (kg), the operation of the flush cock button becomes hard.
18. Flush Valves don't have a problem with pressures up to 2.5bar. Higher pressures than this might also make the operation of the flush valve a little harder. The main area of concern in Flush Valves however is of water cleanliness. Coarse particles like rough sand or small pebbles or brick particulates can choke off the slit that enables the hydraulic automation of the lever in the return stroke of the flush cycle. With a result that there might be continuous flushing without the lever returning back (to close off the valve, a frequent problem where water quality is bad). One may install a filter near the storage tank outlet to keep off the coarse particulates from choking the Flush Valve mechanism.
Flush Valves & Flush Cocks will have limited warranty due to varying water condition height pressure in case of flush cocks & unclean water in case of flush valves in lead in devoid of warranty.
Category D: Hygieia Collection - Sensors, Lab Taps & Auto Taps
19. Ark Lab Taps are available in two distinct identities - as a Supreme variant for the traditional look and as an Opera variant in its trendy avatar. The levers in Lab Taps are excessively long to enable elbow enabled opening (for hygiene, zero germ transference). Due to the extra length of lever and due to force applied at the lever end the force on the fixed end i.e. the spindle punch becomes much larger. We need to be therefore careful not to apply extra forcewith the elbow to prevent the spindle from getting damaged. Lab taps with Multiple outlets are also now available in the Ark portfolio.
20. If there is a continuous water flow problem in Sensors, we may try the following:
(i) Resetting the sensor-we may disconnect the power supply (battery or mains) and leave it for 5 minutes. Then we may reconnect again.
(ii) Power connection could be reverse-we should connect properly.
(iii) Water feed might be connected to outlet instead of inlet of solenoid valve. This should be rectified. Water feed should be connected to inlet of solenoid valve.
21. In case of leakage, the water connections should be tightened properly with proper washers. We should replace washers if washers become too hard because of salt deposits/ageing.
22. The surface of the Sensor taps should be clean and dry. These taps should never be immersed in water or washed with water. One may clean with ARK Cleaning Solution/Dry Cloth.
23. Sometimes the batteries might not have been installed properly. The terminals might not be touching the battery ends, there might be some deposit on the terminals or the positive/ negative ends of the battery might not be in the right position. The battery should be properly connected.
24. Objects of dark colour or transparent objects may cause detection interference. Also direct exposure to sun light or strong lights needs to be avoided as detection becomes harder for the sensor in such conditions.
25.The sensor part of the sensor tap should be free from dust, lime - scale deposits. This can be done through cleaning with a slightly damp / dry cloth / ARK Cleaning Solution.
26. While installing sensor taps, one has to be careful as unlike normal taps, these contain electronic circuits, parts and connections which may get damaged due to rough or negligent handling.
Electrical & Electronic items have warranty of 1 years in case damage is could due to fault in electrical supply then warranty is devoid will be repeated in category E,F,G.
Category E: Amazon Collection - Steam Rooms/Shower Panels/Tubs
Shower Panels:
27. Shower Panels are a combination of CP faucets, showers and accessories and thus require periodic cleaning, akin to CP faucets for lustre retention of the faucets/ accessories and shower aperture cleansing akin to Hand showers and Showers as already discussed.
28. Steam Rooms are glass/ acrylic encased mini-rooms that have in addition to a Shower Panel, lighting, motor pump and FM/ Steam generator etc (some of these would be optional features). The sanitary faucets are to be cleaned as already discussed. If a Steam Generator is included in the Cabin, then one needs to ensure that the device is switched on only when water supply has been connected. Switching on in the absence of water supply might damage the steam generator, in addition to showing Error on the remote control panel (optionalfeature). Similarly pump needs to be given water supply and should not run dry.Nozzles, if present in the Cabin might require cleansing to remove salt deposits. Electricity supply needs to be stable and without fluctuations. Additional water should be drained off when not in use. During installation of Steam Rooms, assistance and supervision by trained plumbing personnel/ service technicians is essential.
Bath Tubs/Jacuzzis/Whirlpools:
29. The precautions and maintenance of Jacuzzis is similar to Shower Cabins. The nozzles may be cleaned periodically like faucets to avoid clogging due to salt deposits (present in water supply). Electrical connections should not be loose and electric supply should be stable. Pumps should not be run without connection to water supply. During installation of Bath Tubs, assistance and supervision by trained plumbing personnel/ service technicians should be sought. Electrical & Electronic items have warranty of 1 years in case damage is could due to fault in electrical supply then warranty is devoid will be repeated in category E,F,G.
Category F: Opulence Collection - Showers, Diverters & Accessories of Bossini
30. Like Showers, Dream showers might face aperture clogging due to salt deposits in water supply, especially if not used for a long time. The cleaning procedure of showers has been already discussed. Dream light, Chromotherapy and Aquavolo Showers have complicated fitment procedures and their installation should only be done by trained plumbing personnel/ service technicians with frequent supervision by a responsible person. One should also follow the right process through the manual for operating the dream shower lights, Chromotherapy light cycle, music, etc. Electric parts should not be tampered with and it is essential to have a stable electrical supply. Transformers and other devices attached to these showers might be sensitive to fluctuations in electric supply. Electrical & Electronic items have warranty of 1 years in case damage is could due to fault in electrical supply then warranty is devoid will be repeated in category E,F,G.
Category G: Hydraulikos - Pressure Boosters, Water Level Controllers, Pressure & Flow Solutions
Pressure Boosters:
31. Water supply to the booster pump should be available at all times. Running the pump dry might lead to pump damage.
32. The water supply should be clean of coarse impurities.
33. The pump should be housed in order to prevent damage from unsuitable weather conditions.
34. Electrical connections should be proper and should be switched on. The pressure switch shall automatically switch on and switch off the pump depending upon the pressure requirements.
35. Fluctuation in electricity supply can damage the pump. Ark boosters use pumps of the best quality available. There is no warranty if pump is damaged because of electrical supply conditions. Repairs would have to be paid for.
36. Pressure switch supplied along with Booster Pump is also of the highest quality available. It may get damaged due to inclement weather or erratic power supply. There will be no warranty for such damages. Parts would have to be paid for..
Water Level Controller:
37. Ark probe sensor WLC works between an overhead storage tank and a base or ground floor storage tank. There are three sensors dipped in each of these tanks to enable working of pump when water level falls below a sensor. In case of water supply having hard water, Lime scale deposits might need to be cleaned off the sensors periodically to keep them sensing the water levels. The sensors should not be placed directly near the source of water supply entering into the tank. This will make it sense the water falling on it and will start the pump erratically. The sensors should be at least 11½' away from water supply entry. The lower sensor similarly should not rest on the floor and should be about 1 foot high from the bottom, with the middle sensor between the two. For details refer to user guide.
38. In the Ark gravity based WLC, the float valve is connected to the middle of the tank. If the upper tank is empty, pump is switched ON & water is pumped up from the basement/ ground tank. When the water in the upper tank is completely filled the pump stops. It is important that the float valve is connected to the middle of the tank with a cable of length, such that when the water is filled, the level of the float valve should be 6" below the overflow and if the tank is empty the level of the float valve should be 6" above the base of the tank. For details refer to user guide.
39. WLC box and pump should be housed to protect against inclement weather conditions.
40. The connections of the wires to the WLC circuit box should be proper and should not be tampered with. The connections should also be protected from weather conditions.
41. The wires going to the overhead tank should be protected from damage and preferably housed inside a tubular pipe to avoid cracking or bending.
42. The wires leading to the tanks should not be moved manually as this would disturb the levels of the sensors in Ark probe based WLC. The wires should not be inserted through the lid of the tank as this would make it difficult to open the tank without disturbing the sensor levels. A hole should be made away from the lid to insert the wires.
43. In case the WLC stops working automatically, there is a manual override switch to pump the water.
Electrical & Electronic items have warranty of 1 years in case damage is could due to fault in electrical supply then warranty is devoid will be repeated in category E,F,G.
Flow Rates:
The Flow Rates of your Water Deliverance Device are dependent upon:
(i) The height of the Overhead storage tank. It determines the Pressure of deliverance at the Source. To get higher head, the height of the overhead tanks need to be increased or a pressure booster should be installed at the Storage Tank Outlet.
(ii) The size of the Plumbing pipes, connecting the Storage Tank to the Tap. To get higher flow rates, pipes should have bigger ODs.
(iii) The number of bends on the Plumbing pipes, connecting the Storage Tank to the Tap. To get higher flow rates, number of bends need to be minimum.
(iv) The internal structure of the device. A simpler design will give higher flow rates.
(v) Rating of the Pressure Booster/ Pump used. The higher the power, the higher would be the flow rate. For localized pressure reduction e.g. in health faucets, push cocks one can use Pressure Reducing Washers/ Pressure Limiters. Please refer to Ark green bouquet for more details.
Pressure Chart:
S No. |
Water Deliverance Device |
Minimum Pressure (Bar or Kg/Cm²) |
Maximum Pressure (Bar or Kg/Cm²) |
1 |
Pillar Taps |
1 |
2.5 |
2 |
Basin Mixer |
1.5 |
3 |
3 |
Bib Taps, Angle Cocks |
0.7 |
2.5 |
4 |
Concealed Stop Valves |
0.7 |
2.5 |
5 |
Wall Mixer, Sink Mixers |
1.2 |
3 |
6 |
Single Lever Wall Mixers |
1.5 |
3 |
7 |
Single Lever Basin Mixers |
1.5 |
3 |
8 |
Single Lever Sink Mixers |
1.8 |
3 |
9 |
Single Function Showers |
1 |
2.5 |
10 |
Multifunction Showers |
1.5 |
3 |
11 |
Rain Showers |
1.8 |
3 |
12 |
Dream Showers |
2.5 |
3.5 |
13 |
Auto Taps (Push Cocks) |
0.7 |
1 |
14 |
Health Faucets (Hand Held) |
0.7 |
1.5 |
15 |
PVC, Flexible Pipes |
0.7 |
2 |
16 |
Flush Cocks |
0.7 |
1 |
17 |
Flush Valves |
0.7 |
2.5 |
18 |
Float Valves |
0.7 |
2 |
19 |
Ball Valves |
0.7 |
2.5 |
20 |
Shower Panels |
1.8 |
3 |
21 |
Steam Rooms |
1.8 |
3 |
22 |
Thalia, Osiris Collections (progressive Cartridges) |
2.5 |
4 |
Terms & Conditions
1 Replacement, if any, would be subject to investigation by authorised Ark Technician and in general would be only for manufacturing defects.
2. Spare parts when worn down due to usage & unsuitable water conditions would have to be paid for.
3. Warranty on Electrical, Electronic, Glass Items, Flexible Pipe and Health Faucet is for 1 year and covers only service. Spares would have to be paid for.
4. All service would be post breakdown service. Taps are mechanical devices which are subject to forces of friction & shearing stress and the moving parts will break down after a long period. 90-95% of all service is done basically to repair, restore or replace these moving parts. The seven year warranty covers spare parts when subjected to soft water, for moderate water pressure & limited usage (5-10 times a day). It is not valid if water is hard, when usage is very frequent and when water pressure is higher then recommended (please refer to pressure chart).